Online Reputation Manage - 5 ways to respond positively to a negative Glassdoor review

any impact on your reputation as a company or employee. In fact, it could actually help improve your standing among other employees! Here are some ways you can respond positively when faced with an unhappy Glassdoor user: Respond to Bad Reviews quickly Respond to bad reviews as quickly as possible. It's important to respond to reviews in a timely manner, but don't be too quick to respond to good reviews either. If your company has received a lot of good feedback and you want to show that you are taking your employees' concerns seriously, it can be helpful for you and them if you respond quickly when they have something negative or positive on their Glassdoor profile page. This shows that you care about what other people think about your business and will try harder in order for them not only to write positive things down but also feel comfortable enough with their working environment so they don't feel like they need anything else from their managers. Thank the reviewer...