Online Reputation Manage — Small mistakes done by high-profile people will have huge consequences, and it’s even true in the case of a politician. Politicians are always followed by thousands of eyes and caught in a glimpse of wherever they go and whatever they do. They live in a fishbowl, constantly being photographed, interviewed, and interrupted by their electorate. They should always be aware of their footsteps and agile in their response in order to prevent their reputation management from the consequences of small mistakes, mentioned the very first. Understanding online reputation management is crucial in this regard.

Though you are very careful about your own doings, sometimes it isn’t enough. You are also responsible for the doings of others, maybe your competitor, opponent; against you. Instead of focusing on their own merits, political candidates often take to destroying the political reputation of their competition in an effort to win over the public. Over ages, this has been the least awful approach to the political race, but it serves as a good reminder to keep an eye on what you’re doing online.

Character assassination, smear campaigns accounts in dirty political practices to attack your reputation management to win the public over you, will happen commonly. Opponents will try everything from fake reviews and news articles to sensationalized blog posts and social media profiles in order to make you look bad in the eyes of the public. With the increasing popularity of social media, these attacks have gotten less blatant and more effective. Unfortunately, you can’t always keep clear of underhanded competition and walk away from those effects. But you can minimize the damage, however.

How can you keep yourself from being the victim of such an attack?

First, you have to understand the elements that influence your online reputation and then get ready to respond to the positive influence by uplifting their effects and negative influences by eliminating their traces.

Some elements that really matter in influencing your online reputation management:

Project yourself with your own content

Project your own image by yourself rather than be projected bad in the hands of your competitors. In today’s world people mostly seek Google for any information they need. If they want to learn about you, obviously they step out to Google for your information. So by defining who you are and what you stand for by creating your own content will probably impress them at first sight. By this, you are promoting your deeds and helping the public to find lots of information about your campaign, as well as evidence of your good character and reasons why you are the best candidate for the office.

Prevent deep digging

The researcher can dig deeper to any level to gain whole information about you. The deeper they dig, the more they gain. In politics, the information that can be unearthed. The permanence and the viral nature of the internet make it easy for them to even dig the content that is decades old. So never leave any traces of your negative activities that can be dug and unearthed easily. Seek out or neutralize any negative content that harms your political reputation.

Prioritize the good ones

Never let your bad content win over your good ones. Along with seeking out and neutralizing negative content, pushing your positive content to appear first is important. Because they are always responsible for making the best first impression as people search for you.

Confirmation Bias

People have a tendency to find, favor, and remember information that already confirms their existing beliefs on something or someone. If the information proves their belief to be right, then they are completely proud of it and that is what they expect too. But when something fishy appears against their perception they try to forget or deny it firstly, but gradually their brain tends to accept the reality and change their mindset. This confirmation bias of the people is valued more in politics, where people shower their complete support to one, drastically jump to another party. So be kind to their perception and never let anything that breaks their belief for you.

Social media

A social media stand has the backbone to spread any content and make it viral. People seek more information through social media than anything else. Having the best social media profile is at most advantage to build or improve your online reputation. Social media enables an individual to interact with their real stories with you and serves as a platform for a discussion, different from mainstream media. They connect you directly to the public where you can portray you the way you want to be. To maintain an effective online reputation management strategy, it’s crucial to engage positively and proactively on social media platforms.


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