Online Reputation Management: Tips For Industrial Companies To Improve Their Reputation Online

Online Reputation Manage — The digital information and the internet have opened up new avenues, both for businesses as well as customers. Businesses are investing in huge finances in order to strengthen their position in the digital world. Search engines and social media have made it easy to find new products, services and companies by just a few clicks.

If the information is positive, you will get potentially more customers. But what if the information is negative and fake? It will end up being a serious problem for you!

Reputation management is important for all business and personalities. Blogs, forums, reviews, articles and social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter are the platforms on which unhappy customers do not fear anymore to take their complaints forward. If this kind of information appears on the top rankings of your search engine results, it would be very difficult to deal with it.

Be empathetic with your response

You should always respond to positive feedback with gratitude. Thank the respondent for sharing the feedback and you can post these positive comments from your blogs, reviews and forums on your social media accounts. You can use the Google Alert tool to make sure you are aware of the positive feedback coming in. You can dedicate posts to customers providing valuable feedback. This helps spread positivity and also boost your SEO rankings.

Do not engage in online arguments

The best way to deal with a negative argument is to accept the mistake and deal with the situation. Getting in an argument with the customer may add fuel to the fire. This hampers your company’s reputation, as well as more people indulging in the argument, will affect your SEO strategy. Post something positive like “We are very sorry that you had this negative experience.” Ask for email id or contact information. Send them a private message and try to resolve their issue. You can also include a website link to make it easier for you to be contacted online.

Optimize your SEO strategy

Make sure your website is optimized for search engines. Include all the necessary information about your company, your offerings with relevant page titles, CTAs, landing pages, blogs, images and visuals. Don’t just include good feedback from customers. If your SEO is well in place, it can definitely help you tap and get new customers. SEO is a way to maximize the success of the organic traffic your website receives.

Engage in social media

Is your company active on social media? Does your company engage with customers on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook? If not, use them frequently. Listen to what people talk about your company online. You can even address common issues that customers face with your product or service and improve it. Keep a track of your competitors to strategize your offerings accordingly. The last thing you want is for a negative post to be the main source of information about your company. Hence, try to put customer stories on your website that can encourage people. Increase in positive online reviews and testimonials will help increase brand awareness.

Video Marketing practices

Videos, being able to deliver the maximum amount of knowledge in a shorter duration has become one of the most sought after content for B2B companies right now. Videos about your products or services are a great way to reach out to your customers and also to distinguish yourself from the competition. Videos that are catchy enough and trigger the stimuli for customers largely impact purchasing decisions. There are many types of video that can be used to target various customers such as company video, customer service, product demos and many more. Different videos enable you to connect with customers at different stages of a purchase decision.

Be a real person

When representing the company online, whether via a corporate blog or on public forums, it is important to show some humanity — more specifically, state who you are and what your role is. This facilitates trust. If your internet presence is littered with faceless, nameless logos, people will perceive your company as cold and aloof, run by corporate suits, instead of people who care and really worry about your demands.

Hire experts

Brands nowadays are extensively focussing on improving their services and products to attract more customers due to which they are not quite able to maintain a balance on their reputation online. Brands face the aftermath of people talking negative about them on social media which eventually breaks the bonds and ends up losing customers. Hence brands can really hire experts or tie up with agencies that offer online reputation management services to brands and personalities to handle their reputation sensibly.

The response mechanism by these agencies is the amalgamation of social media optimization, management of negative online content, organizing custom domains, and 24/7 monitoring. Brands can get access to support team agents or personal account managers. Furthermore, you can avail insightful monthly reports, instant coverage, round the clock customer support, and receive a lifetime of online alerts.

Brands can now integrate new social networking modifications to improve their online presence. It is a business strategy that is bound to work for every industry professional. Subsequently, you can savor the financial and reputational benefits through relentless promotion of business operations.

You must have understood by now that while conversing with customers on blogs, articles, forums and social media, it is important to show some humanity. Engaging freely and helping out people facilitates trust. If you act as if you don’t care about people, then people perceive your company as cold and won’t respect your reputation.

Looking for more ways to improve your reputation management and build a strong online presence? Our team of experts at Online Reputation Manage have helped brands from the Fortune companies to restore their reputation and build a strong presence over the online community that comprises blogs, forums, articles, review sites, search engines, press releases and of course social media.


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